10 thoughts on “Catch”

  1. My worst fear as a government editor was “public” for “public,” especially when talking about “statutes,” which occasionally became “statues.” A pubic statue is not what you want to mention when explaining a new law to people.

  2. I’m afraid it’s the c word and the one letter different word for ‘tally’ or ‘sum’. Yikes. I daren’t even use the legit word. It’s a very common problem.

  3. It’s not bawdy, but I often mistakenly write “I hope this is sueful” instead of “useful.” I really hope NOTHING I write is “sueful”! As a lifelong educator, my other favorite personal habitual typo is “eduaction” (instead of “education”)–a term I wish I’d trademarked years ago!

  4. I was reviewing an “MMM” presentation when I hit the slide about a silicon spray for “loving parts.” What, a sex spray??!!? Took a moment or two before I realized that “l” should be an “m.” MOVING parts.

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